Do you even cry?

I know a woman who can show you a thing or two.

It’s no secret the Black Canary universe has been altered and evolved in many a way. The DC superheroine Black Canary has come a very long way from her first debut in the 1947 comic of The Flash. The original fish net wearing, motorcycle riding, 5’4, blonde, blue-eyed, American badass. The original crime-fighting bombshell. However, let’s talk the present-day Black Canary, Dinah Laurel Lance who has traded in fish nets for a fiercer all leather, rock star biker look. Safe to say she’s still a fulltime badass.

What does Black Canary bring to the table besides dangerous good looks? As we know, her character and story have evolved throughout the years. Needless to say it was Dinah Laurel Lance’s calling to become the crime-fighting, costume vigilante we know her to be. Born into a family of crime fighters, she was inspired by her fathers’ work as a police officer in Gotham City, and of course true inspiration came from her mother, the original Black Canary. Dinah Laurel Lance was only 19 when she decided to follow in the footsteps of her mother by taking her identity and adopting it as her own. No thanks to trainer Ted Grant (Wildcat) and many other trainers including Wonder Woman (yes, I know, we would all love to see a training session between WW and Black Canary), Dinah is the most skilled martial artist on the planet. Besides martial arts what else can she bring to the table?

Let’s talk about that painfully piercing cry. The Canary Cry. Who knew ‘crying’ could be a superpower! It is believed that the original Black Canary obtained her Canary Cry from the curse of a witch. However, the more recent, younger Black Canary character suggests she obtained the Canary Cry from simply possessing a metagene, which mind you, was absent from both her parents (weird right?). The Canary Cry is an ultrasonic vibration that comes from her mouth whenever she screams, which is powerful enough to stun and damage opponents and objects. Did you know it is able to reach 300 decibels? Powerful enough to destroy Kryptonians. Now there’s an interesting showdown. Just imagine Black Canary Vs Supergirl.

Between the Canary Cry and her incredible martial arts skills, Black Canary prefers to use her martial arts skills when kicking serious butt. However, when it comes to a super villain, you can guarantee she’ll be putting her ultrasonic scream to good use.

Not only is she a strong, independent female vigilante, she’s also a team player. Teaming up with Justice League, Birds of Prey and of course her on/off lover Green Arrow. There is a strong message here and that is she willing to help others in need.

Here’s to 70 years of Black Canary and powerful super heroines, who although are in an alternate universe, continue to inspire us in the real world.


by Mary Jane Estrada